Checked by PWR Introduce yourself


Hello my name is Jirapong Tazzanachairoj. I’m 12 years old. I’m from Thailand. I love English very much since it was the first language I spoke! I’m currently a student in Assumption College and I like the school very much because the school has a very big canteen and has a variety of foods that I can buy in the canteen, the online teaching is also amazing and I enjoy it very much. I enjoy playing video games a lot since there is still COVID-19 and we have to stay in our houses. I have a weird twistest personality sometimes I will be happy I will smile I will speak a lot but sometimes I’ll be silent and don’t even say a word. I think I have a very good English pronouciation and good at English overall but my weakest past would be my grammar.
-Jirapong Tazzanachairoj 

5 10 votes
Overall Score
4.9 10 votes
Grammar Score
5 10 votes
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