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Giobal warmimg

From this picture, it looks like the polar bear is on a small ice sheet. Which I think its old house should be newer. Probably caused by the melting of the North Pole ice. Which is caused by global warming. So what causes global warming? There are many reasons, such as greenhouse gases. coming from the exhaust pipe of a car or it will turn on the air conditioner and exhaust emissions from industrial plants. All of them are the cause of global warming. So how can we help reduce global warming? It’s very easy if everyone is working together, for example, try to use less cars, use bicycles instead or buses. Later, turn on the air conditioner only 25 degrees and turn to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags. And finally, help each other plant trees. This can help reduce global warming problems. Part of which I would like to help reduce global warming problems, in addition to wanting the world’s temperature to be reduced. Well, I don’t want the seal to be homeless because it’s my favorite animal because it’s so cute. So I want to help reduce global warming. so that the animals in the polar regions have a place to live.

4.7 3 votes
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4.7 3 votes
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