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My name is Wichapas Srichoung I’m 12 years old.I’m from Thailand.I live with my farther and my mother. I’m learning at Assumption School.I’m have been study in this school only about 1 months because I’m came from another school.I’ve been learning English for 9 years,if counting at first time I’learning from another school.I like to learn english,Why?Because it really fun to talk with foriegn teacher and it useful to talk with some foriegn teacher.I don’t know what I like because I new to this school I don’t really know much at school.My personallity is kind and lazy that all.Speaking of my strengths/weakness I will tell only about learning skill.My strengths about learning is Math and english I’m not the best of all people but I still have a good score in this class and i like it.My weakness about learning is Thai language because I don’t like it and it hard for me.Yea I’m pretty much done thank you for reading hope you enjoy.Bye

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