Introduce yourself


Hi everyone. My name is Narawit . I’m from Thailand . I love English language because. I can speak people around and it give me very much socialize . It the school that have good performance and great history of this school and more leaning path and that school name is Assumption college . My personally . I’m not great at talking like you have your reason but ,I had another reason so it’s hard for me to make friends I’m cool guy buy the way because I had some thing better with other just little . If you want to study English but you don’t know how to talk you can talk  with I can help little bit I’m not great and not bad at the same time . My strengths is English I can speak English is almost brilliant! . I happy my strengths is English so let’s ahead to my weakness . My weakness is talking my speaking English is good but not my country language because i told you before that . I never have good reason to fight some time if . I have a factory or company I couldn’t can make deals with them and that’s my characteristic.

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