Checked by PWR Introduce yourself


      Hello! my name is Siwatpasit. My nickname is Taichi Im 12 years old.  I am from Thailand.

      I like to speak English when talk with friends in line application or another else the reason thats why i like English because its easy to type and easy to speak.

       About the thing thats i like in Assumption College i like the thing thats call friend in Assumption i have a lot of friends a good guy a bad guy silence or the funny guy Assmption make me have alot of friends like a thousand.

       My personality is a funny people  i look like a alliance king im a good guy im not a beautiful world person im rational person.

      My strengths is i can play fencing and play ice skating. My weakness is im not a patient person im a lazy person.

Everyone have a strengths and weakness noone have only a weakness noone have only a strengths

Thank you for reading my Introduce post

always be happy everytime on your life see you next time

4.5 4 votes
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