
Kids watching com

There are 2 kids 2 kids are already watching the computer 2 kids have 1 computer and then together there are 2 kids sitting on a rock and there is medicine at first I thought it was a wall but not a wall eh That’s right, the wall, and then he sits on nature, and the soldier looks like a grandmother, a white-brown-white snake mixed with food. What is it called? I don’t know if there is a gas tank or something iron behind me, I feel that if it’s strange, there is iron behind nature, I don’t know. Now I’m speaking my feelings from a young child. I feel that a child or a person like this will fall, why don’t they expect it to fall well and then lose money okay now I like greens, greens, but don’t like the iron behind it I think. It’s normal, when there are children, it’s not that common and less common.

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