All over the world, industrial factories are located everywhere. located in general, but to set up an industrial plant, a lot of forests must be cut down. which spoils a lot of trees, which trees already produce O2(oxygen) for our planet and help with agriculture, Industrial plants have their advantages and disadvantages as well.
– Advantages of that industrial plant Clean technology will reduce industrial pollution. and to reduce the accumulation of various toxins in the environment
– Disadvantages such as noise pollution and large amounts of dust and rotten water
In the picture presented, I was able to notice that There is an industrial factory emitting smoke. In rural areas and rural wells, the water is murky, muddy, rotten, and forests are scarce. It can be seen that the difference The forests are clearly different from the industrial factories. what happened in this picture The weather was bad and the water was polluted. noise pollution and the dust spreads in the atmosphere, I thought about this picture that Setting up an industrial factory There will be good and bad consequences as well. To set up a factory, one must look at uninhabited areas. The land is suitable for silk production, if it is built regardless of anything, there will be consequences. For example, setting up a factory where people live will make people sick. The water of the countryside rots. poor health Or if there is an accident such as a factory explosion, damages from rural villagers may occur. 🙂