Checked by PWR Task3

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the man who founded Apple. He is a person who doesn’t listen to anyone. He likes to do things alone. He has his own mind and does things that no one else can. In the beginning, he went to work in the company, but he resigned from the job. Because he was a silent person and created his own company called apple, he built a computer called macintoch and received a lot of admiration. Although there might be some obstacles in the beginning, but he tried to build it.After that, he launched the world’s most historic: the iPhone, a small, portable device with a touch screen. A small screen and a home button that can be used to control various commands in the device.Although the shape and appearance are very different from the future, it is the origin of the smartphone. He was very successful, even though he was just a person who wasn’t very smart but built something futuristic that was a very important person.

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