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Attack on titan (54035)

Attack on titan 

hello everyone Today I will be reviewing the anime Attack on titan. 

The author of Attack on titan 2009 is Hajime Isayama, and this anime is quite violent. If anyone likes dark anime recommend this There are almost four seasons in total. Rated by web IMDb to 9/10 or about 4.5 stars. It is a story about humans who have been at war with the Titans for a long time. But in the end, humans were defeated. The rest of the humans built a three-tiered wall nearly 50 meters high to protect the Titans. Later, after nearly 100 years of building the wall, Eren and his two friends. Mikasa and Armin want to explore the outside world But soon Eren and his friends and the people in the wall faced with the unexpected. 

For me, this anime is the best anime in my mind. whether it’s an anime script or an animation The plot is very good if anyone is bored. Let’s go find it and read it.



5 3 votes
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4.3 3 votes
Grammar Score
5 3 votes
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