Shin Godzilla story is story about an ancient undiscovered creature has fed on nuclear matter that America has dumped into the deep see.
The story began when a very long tail emerged above the water (some government already knew about the existence of Shin Godzilla, but kept it a secret).Before people record video not to long it climb up to land after that a politician came to say that it was not afraid because no matter how hard it is on land and has legs it cant support its weight and cant stand up. But not long have some people come tell him it stand up. Yes that evolution of Shin Godzilla. but when it evolved it will overheat because it evolved to fast then it try hard to get back in to sea for cooling it self. A few more day Shin Godzilla come back but this time it evolved again big than last time equal 1 now it evolved to draft 4 and Shin Godzilla come up to land again but now all people had evacuated Japan is redy to fight. But no anything gun missile can hit. then when America see Japan cant do anything to kill Shin Godzilla they will come to help they will use plane name B2 Bomber carry the M O P 2 to kill Shin Godzilla it work Shin Godzilla is hurt but Shin Godzilla change energy from red in it self to purple it open mouth and tear off then fire and laser come out off it mouth and then it released laser from the back clip American plane B2 bomber want to use M O P 2 to use it again but Shin Godzilla use laser from it clip destroy plane and M O P 2 and that laser kill president of Japan when in helicopter to. America have plan to use nuclear but Japan cant because the Japanese still regent the nuclear bomb they drop earlier. But Japan had to admit because if not use Shin Godzilla will do more damage but Japan don’t like this they will try make plan to stop Shin Godzilla with them self and that is freze Shin Godzilla because Shin Godzilla blood is like cool water to help when Shin Godzilla evolved it will not die then Japan start plan use the building over it and use car to spray matter freze to freze it frist time do not work but it walk slow down second time it has been freze Japan win End.
I rate this movie for half 3 star. I like it because I like destroy joke I like it because I am Godzilla movie fan. thank for reading