
One Piece

One Piece is a Japanese manga written by Eichiro Odai that the pursuit of the “One Piece” series focuses on Monkey D. Luffy, a young man inspired by childhood idols and Powerful pirate “Red-Haired” Shanks set off from the East Blue Sea in search of the famous treasure of One Piece and proclaimed himself the Pirate King. Luffy tries to form his own crew, the Straw Hat Pirates. Help and befriend a swordsman named Roronoa Zoro and head out in search of One Piece. Later, Nami the sniper and thief, Usopp the sniper and deceiver, and Vinsmoke Sanji the chef, who Still a prince from a family of killers also join They all got a boat named Going Mary and facing the notorious pirates of East Blue. When Luffy and his crew go on an adventure cruise. Later crew joins include Tony Tony Chopper, Doctor and Reindeer, archaeologist and former assassin Nico Robin, cyborg shipbuilder Frankie. Skeleton musician Brook and the steer Jinbe and also got a new ship called Thousand Sunny, currently 999 episodes.

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