My Last Summer Vocation
My last actuall summer vacation take place on the last December when COVID-19 is not infected yet. We went Bueng Kan or บึงกาฬ in Thai. Bueng Kan is located at North East of Thailand. We had so much fun there, I usually prefer a beach than a mountain but when I went to Bueng Kan it was so great and give me whole new experiences. Many weird things take place here and I don’t even want to mention it but I will. We went to Phu Thok the mountain was so high and the ladder was so scary, you can see by the picture below. We start climbing up and it was so tired that my mother already gave up at stage 2. Me,my older brother and father, we continue climbing to the top of the mountain and the view was so impressive that we suddenly feel more energy. That was good but when we climbed down to the dark narrow spot we all see something like a shadow walk pass us and I feel cold. However we reach the resort safely and we surf on the internet and noticed that the dark narrow place we pass have the scary story happened. That night I was not be able to sleep all night because I was too scared. Anyway we came back to Bangkok safely and that was a wonderful weird experiences in my life. And there was more on this trip but can’t be mentioned because it will take all day long however it was brilliant.