In the picture a crowd is fighting over a bag of food. They want to survive in this harsh world. They had no choice but to fight each other but the cause of food shortage maybe comes from us…
Hunger are happening around the world. Through out entire world some groups of people are suffering and struggling to survive. The shortage of food is one of the causes.
Food — one of the most important thing for survivability. Every single human needs food to survive but some do not have access to it. Some people in parts of the world don’t have food to eat like us. The rich people get to eat as much as they want but the poor don’t get any. Poor people need to fight over for a bag of rice, while the rich people sitting there wasting their food. It isn’t very fair for poor people to be treated this way. Poor people are normal human like us, we have no rights to see them lower and don’t give them the same opportunity as we get. We should not waste food and think about others who are suffering more than us.