
cai lun

Tsai Lun was a Chinese eunuch who was regarded as Invented paper and a method of producing paper that was different from the Egyptian papyrus today. Although there have been many forms of paper in China since 200 B.C.E., Cai Lun first developed and set a remarkable standard for the papermaking process. by adding new material to the paper composition

Cai Lun’s paper was widely used as a writing medium t

Luo Zhi and a number of Chinese papermakers were captured by the Arabs. Paper production therefore goes to the western hemisphere. It entered Europe in the 12th century, resulting in a continuous revolution in the way written communication. and because of relations between Arabs and Europe during the Crusades Paper such as China was widely used and helped to further the foundation of European academics.

hroughout China by the 3rd century[6] and enabled China to develop many civilizations extremely quickly. It spread to Korea, Japan, and Vietnam around the 7th century.[9] In AD 751, the Tang army defeated the Arab army in the Battle of the Da River.

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