
The elephant in the city

One day the elephant come out and rampant the villagers in that area were all panicked and afraid of being stepped on by an elephant and began to evacuate and began to distance itself from the elephant but one villager held up a sugar cane and promptly made the elephant follow him out of the […]


The escaped elephant

Sometimes elephants run away from their cage, some elephants walk into the town, people that live were frightened and scare because an elephant might destroy many things in the town, and it always destroys as they think. cause some elephants were starving and they can’t handle their hungry, so it breaks the cage and finds […]


Shooting star

A guy and a boy may be seen looking up at the sky in the photograph. I can also see the kid looking up into the sky, as well as the black car on the road and the grey car behind it. People in the picture appear to be excited about something in the sky. […]


Home for the poor

In this picture it have many things in this  small room and it don’t have electricity. Because he using candle to light and making him warm. This shows how much poor and loneliness the boy have. I think it is a winter because the boy wearing a glove and trying himself warm up. He looks […]