
Greed or Starvation

          In this picture you can look at it from two perspectives.1 other people try to take life support from this man, who may be homeless or poor, demonstrating their greed. 2 other people who try to take life support are due to starvation, which we can see in today many […]


The elephant

An elephant escapes from a forest or zoo to the fled in the city to find food because there is not enough food in the forest. the elephant panicked and was running away from his fear. It destroys all objects around it. So it was very frightening because it had never met a people before. […]


Elephant rampage

At that time, elephants were rampant for a long time. It became news that the elephants had destroyed the villagers’ belongings. Most of what elephants destroy or eat is rice, cars, houses, food, factories, etc. Some people rush to find shelter and some villagers try to catch the elephants. But he struggled until it slipped […]