

The police had the report that the mother left her child at the train station and ran away. Then, the police went to the station to investigate. Suddenly, someone pushed the stroller, the baby was inside to train trail. Luckily, the police had saved the child within time. The passenger appreciated those police on their […]


Invasion city of elephants

          Elephants are mammals. They are large and live together in a herd. Elephants are herbivores. Elephants eat leaves, bark and fruit. Now, the forest area is decreasing because it is being destroyed by humans. Humans cut down forests and turn the forest into farmland. Elephants have no place to live […]


No money but happy:)

A poor person is a person without money. due to no work because some people may not have knowledge some people have disabilities even if they are poor But they are a person who is not different from a rich person. Some poor people are content with what they have. Even if you don’t have […]



Poverty is one of the most important problems in the world. Many regions in the world lack of food while some regions have more than necessary.  We can see many kinds of delicious food from many countries in the Food Game Shows, broadcast on television or Youtube.  This presents the richness of people who have […]