
Kids watching com

There are 2 kids 2 kids are already watching the computer 2 kids have 1 computer and then together there are 2 kids sitting on a rock and there is medicine at first I thought it was a wall but not a wall eh That’s right, the wall, and then he sits on nature, and […]


Picture 6

I saw a factory that emitted smoke, there was a village where people live and there was a forest beside the factory in the photo.  The differrent things in the photo are having  the factory,village and forest in the same place. If you see in the photo, the fatory has been emitted smoke a lot. […]


Polar bear

I see a polar bear standing on a small ice in a wide ocean. Normally polar bear will live at main land in the north pole but in the picture, it seems that this small iceberg is melting and getting smaller. Not so long, the polar is will be drowned and it may die. I […]


Bear Alone

In this picture, I see a big polar bear standing alone on a small iceberg at night. There are no any other polar bears and others animals. When I see this picture, I feel lonely and sad. I think, this polar bear may feel the same. I hope the polar bear will be safe and […]