
online Learning

This picture is online learning.It starts because covid 19 make problem at the human around the earth.everyone is stay at home for that covid 19 weaken.The students live in tge home and learn online if covid 19 weaken the students everyone can comeback to school and learn at school happily.



In the past, there was only comfort, there was a lot of green grass to see, but now there are only industrial and bad gas, noisy and smelly cars before using natural energy. However, people prefer to travel by car because it is convenient and fast, but if we use it frequently, it will harm […]



This is a picture of a factory emitting exhaust fumes into the air and people in the neighborhood inhale the polluted air causing death and all this is caused by the exhaust fumes from the factory. which caused pollution and caused a large number of villagers to die. This factory was built illegally and the […]