
Learn online

Covid-19 problems make students unable to go to school therefore have to study online Everyone has to adjust because they have to study at home. Often encounter unexpected learning problems, for example, sometimes the Internet is disconnected, and many more, forcing students to adjust and prepare. until the COVID-19 crisis is over.


How beautiful nature are.

The picture I choose is the polar bear that stand on the glacier. The reason that I choose that picture because I see very beautiful picture the shape and light just perfect. When I see this picture I realize how beautiful nature are and I make me relax. This picture is difference from other picture […]


industrial plants and pollution

    The photo show me about toxic fumes emitted by industrial plants, trees and many cars. the left will see an industrial factory Looking at it from above, I think this industrial plant is just outside the city center. Different things are in the photos is Building an industrial plant causes air pollution to […]