
Informal Email

From : NanthinTo : Tom Hi Tom We’re going to see a movie on Sunday. But first I have to clean my room on Saturday. On Sunday We’re going to meet at 11 o’clock at the museum. I’m really looking forward to it. and I will see you Please take care of your health until […]


Informal email

From: Rem  To: Tom  How are you Tom ? I’m okay, I think I’ll do my homework on Saturday. I’m so Sorry for not be able to play the video game on Saturday. Oh yes, I think we’re going to the beach next Sunday, do you free to join us? I am sure you are […]


Im formal email

Hello Tom How are you? I’m doing fine and hope you are OK too. I would like to tell you about my plan on this weekend. My plan on Saturday is to do my homework. I’m not happy to do it because it will be really boring. I have a lot of homework so I […]


Informal email

From: Prize To: Tom    Hi Tom I am Prize. How are you? I ok, but the last weekend was so bad.      This is my plan for Saturday: First, I need to get up and brush my teeth. I not gonna take shower, hahahaha. Second, I need to practice some piano song and after […]