
Informal Email

From:Reaw To:Tom Hello Tom How are you? I’m fine, just sleep a little lately, but don’t worry. My family took me to the aquarium on Saturday but it was postponed for another day because my father’s car broke down. Which has been postponed to Sunday and it falls on the day I have to go […]


The little explore

From: KateTo: YomDear YomHey Yom I know that you had hard time but do you want to hear our explore just a little bit. I was with Tom and Geo. We went to Museum to look at some swords and glasses at that time. It’s pretty impressive that is still long live until today and […]


Our vacation

From: MingTo: Tom Dear Tom I haven’t met you since we graduated which was around 3 years ago. I want you to go join us because Next week we will recess at Pattaya for around 2 days(Saturday and Sunday). Here is our plan, On the first day Boom and Alex want to go to the […]