
Email to Tom

From: Plawarn To: Tom Hello Tom How are you? I am okay. My plan in this weekend on saturday is do my homework, it ‘ll be really boring. But on sunday my parent are going to take me to the beach – I’m really looking forward to it. I love the beach and sea because […]


From:Racha To Tom Hi Tom                                                                                                      […]


Write Email to Tom

From:Gino To:Tom dear Tom I’m going to ride a bike at park on Saturday. I’m very happy.On Sunday I’m going to play computer games I’m think it very fun and I very happy  Are you have free time on Sunday? I want you to play computer game with me. Gino


Email message

From i-aoon To Teddy How are you? I’m fine. The youth hostel is far from the station 2 km. You can go to the youth hostel by train or taxi. Can you have breakfast at the hostel? Yes, you can, in the hostel have many breakfast.  


Informal Email

From:Ryouichi To: TomDear Tom, next weekend my mom and I would like to travel in the city. We’re going to meet at 11 o’clock at the museum. Then, after finishing sightseeing in the museum. We’re going to go to the cinema. I think it’ll be great fun and I’m really looking forward to it. Would […]