
Tom friend

Tom This Saturday we enjoyed camping. And on Sunday we are happy that our parents are with us all day. And we have plans to go to the cinema at 11 o’clock and we will clean the house. Tom together and it should be really fun I will wait for it I invite you and […]


Informal Email

Form: Ohm To: Tom Dear:Tom Hello Tom how are you? I have plan to go to the beach. On saturday my family and i plan to the beach. I need to play beach ball with you and me need to swim. We eat sea food together. My family reserve accommodation. Resot have jet ski and […]


Email to Tom

Hello!! Hopes you are good today so, Let’s to the point. So my mom just email me about a few plans for this weekend. On Saturday, I am going to finish all my homeworks, So I can have a free time on another day. That’s what think it’s ok, I guess. And on Sunday we […]


Informal email

Hi, tom  at this weekend I have a plan. On Saturday I will do a lot of my homework it’ll really boring. after doing homework I’m going to tidy my room. And  On Sunday I have to go to beach after that we’re going to meet at 11’o’clock then we going to go to cinema.  […]


Informal Email

Hi Tom,  How are you?  I have a lot of homework for this week and I am going to do my homework on this Saturday. It will be very boring.  Then, my parents will take me to the beach on Sunday.  Would you like to come with us?  It’ll be really relaxing.  Hope to see […]