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How we are polluting the air

How we are polluting the air

In today’s life , humans have lots of technology and inventions going on in their life. Even though those things have lots of benefits to humans but sometimes it also have bad affects too such as pollution.

Pollutions are mostly made by humans by putting harmful materials in to the environment. Some people do very bad things that make our home or the world go worse such as releasing harmful gases from industries , driving cars which release smokes into the air or even burn waste which releases CO2. These bad gases can affect to your health and also the earth health. These harmful gases form up greenhouse gases. If we can’t deal with the problems we are causing , it could be a disaster to the world.

However, there are some volunteers  gathering people to make our world a better place. They educate people who do not have access to learn how we can stop polluting the air or making events where anyone can join and plant trees with them. We could also be a hero to our world by planting more trees in our house to help reduce CO2 in the air , educate people around you to love the earth even more. 

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