
Informal email

From: Prize

To: Tom 


Hi Tom

I am Prize. How are you? I ok, but the last weekend was so bad.

     This is my plan for Saturday: First, I need to get up and brush my teeth. I not gonna take shower, hahahaha. Second, I need to practice some piano song and after that I going to eat lunch. Ohh I don’t mind to eat breakfast just only one cup of milk. Then, I spend all my evening time for play games, I f you want to join just call me. Finally, I take shower, watch TV, and sleep.

     My plan for Sunday: In morning I going to sleep until eleven o’clock and after that I get up and eat some milk, I not gonna eat breackfast and lunch in Sunday. Then I going to play games until five o’clock after that I going to play football. Finally, I going to play games and sleep. But the plan can change because I want to see you I Sunday and I want to play games or come to my house.  Hope to see you on Sunday. I do not see you for a long time. Can not wait to see you.



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