Checked by PWR Task6

Informal Email

From: Pun

To: Tom

Hello! Tom

How are you? I’m fine. I hope you are fine too.

I am very happy because my mom told me my family will go to the beach on Sunday. She said “You need to finish all of your homework in Saturday”. I am so very lazy because there are a lot of homework that I need to do especially math, social, science. My plan is we need to meet at 11 o’clock at the museum. In the evening, we are go to the beach and play together. My mom told me we are going to fishing and watch the view of the sea. I am very excited because we will eat dinner with buffet. 

My mom told me to invite you to go to the beach with my family on Sunday. Would you come with us?I hope you can come. It’s going to be fun.





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4.8 4 votes
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