Nelson Mandela
Hello Teacher and my friends. My name is Phattaraphol Hungspruke No.2 M1/1. I today will talk about my inspiration person who is Nelson Mandela. My first inspiration about him came from the movie and his biography book. Let’s me briefly introduced his biography. Nelson was the President of South Africa. He was born in South Africa when he was only 12 years old ,his father died ,leaving him to depend on his mother. After he attended university ,he would go on boycott his university because of its treatment of colored people. He would eventually be thrusted onto a national stage, and spend many years behind, and later be elected the president of South Africa. He faced with big problem which was inequity treatment of colored in nation. So, he wisely created the unity between white and color by using the rugby sport.
The way to create the unity of Nation by using the rugby sport make me impress and inspire me using this way the same as he did for Thai people unity. (No more red and yellow)