

This Picture is about this one old man that have purple hat with eyes grasses and one old women that have orange short hair they are reading newspaper. My name is Wichapas. Today I going to talk about “News paper” So hope you enjoy. News paper is made from paper this think have purpose to read the news that happen before that times for like a days and this news paper usually have black and white colors some have colors. This news paper usually like a News channel on TV, but since about 10 years ago. Before there no TV so they use News paper to tell what happen where and when but now we all watch it on News Channel on TV, but they still sell new paper for someone to read. Even it a old method to sent news but we can still can see the news paper still be sell for someone to read. Thank you for reading this message, if I make some mistake grammar or something you can comment down in comment. And thank you for reading again see you soon. 

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