Nikola Tesla is a very well-known scientist which specialized in electricity. He is also called ‘ Wizard of the Industrial Revolution’. Tesla was famous of inventing the Alternating Current (AC). Sometimes he got insulted of coming from Serbia. People thought that he was not smart and always look down on him. He prove himself to the world what he can do. Even though , he still get insults from some people but he continues to do what he love. He has his own laboratory where he can use his full potential of imagination and creativity. He created so many things and become a very admirable scientist.
In my opinion , he is a very good inspiration for people who get insults all the time. He reminds us how to respect ourselves and do what we want to with our best. I really respect how he don’t give up after all those horrible experiences. He also shows us when people pursuit for knowledge they will be successful. Nowadays, people still uses his invention and never forgets him.