Checked by PWR Task4

Star Wars

This Movie is about the Jedi that have to destroyed the villians called Sith, The first 3 episode is about 2 jedi that have to save a princess Amidala that got captured by the sith droids, But in the way to save her, They have to passed all the enimies so, It made 1 of the Jedi died. The other Jedi is mad of this and want to take revenge for his master. He have destroyed all of the enimies with his angers. Before his master died, He tell him that he have to train a young boy name Anakin Skywalker to being a new jedi. But Anakin is easy to angry so, The boss of the sith name Darth Sidious can agitate him and made him hate jedi. Anakin have a girlfriend but that isnt a jedi rule, so he becomes a new sith named Darth Vader. He killed all the Jedi in the world. There are only 2 Jedi left that is Anakin’s Master that train him to be a Jedi like his master said and the other one is the most powerful Jedi name Yoda Amakin’s master name Obiwan have to meet his old pupil and stop him from killing the Jedi. On Yoda side, he was fighting with Darth sidious but Darth sidious can escaped from him. Obiwan has beat Anakin and left him to death. But Anakin got saved by Darth sidious first so he is alived. Anakin’s girlfriend has borns 2 babies name Luke and Leia. 18 years later Luke skywalker become a Jedi from Mater Obiwan and Yoda at first, he think Darth Vader have killed his father,Anakin but he know the truth from his own father, Darth Vader when luke know the truth, He cried and duel with Vader. Luke is a strong Jedi so he can cut 1 of his father hand. When Darth sidious saw that, he tried to agitate Luke like Anakin does. But Luke is a true Jedi, He will never be in a sith side. Darth sidious tried to kill him but Darth Vader has protect his son and defeat Darth sidious. Leia has destroy the sith planet with her bodyguards. Luke is sad because his father has sacrifice himself to save his son. Luke and Leia have celebrate their victories from stopping the sith. This movie is my favorites movies and I choose to rating it for 4 stars, This movie is perfect and fun.

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