The last book that I read is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I read it in 28/8/2021 and I read it about 3 days. It’s amazing book that J.K. Rowling writted it. This book is First series of Harry Potter. I read it and laughed at the plot of this book.If you’ve read it you will known harry potter is a importan in this book. If doesn’t have him this story will be boring , If you ask me what’s the story I will don’t tell about a full story I will tell a stort story , The story of this book is loadwodermore has kill harry’s parents and try to kill him but not really he doesn’t kill him because… I think I say this story more If you want to read this story you need to read it your self. You will fun and laught which this book ! I will not spoiler story This book has 372 in the Thai translation book. because this book dooesn’t “Free” Ok , I not a spoiled this thanks , Bie
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