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The poorest polar bear in the world

I see the poorest polar bear standing on the small iceberg. In the past several years, most of the North Pole area was covered by ice. We could see a lot of polar bears and their babies walking on the ice. But now we rarely see them because a large number of people are steadily increasing and they create huge amount of carbon dioxide by heavily using transportation, electrical appliances such as air conditioner. These cause global warming which has melted the icebergs in the north pole and the polar bears cannot survive due to no habitat. This also creates  natural disaster e.g. flood in other part of the world. If we still ignore this global warming, I think we will not see any ice bergs and the polar bears in the future. So we can help save the world by using less own transports and reducing usage of the air conditioners.

4.7 3 votes
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