
Whale documentary

Whale is the big mammal it’s live only in the ocean. It was an intelligent, quick and highly harmonious killer. It’s can swim under the water for 1 hours that make we can see how much oxygen whales can contains. Whales are animals with a profound culture and feelings. When it hunts prey normally it’s father’s duty, but in whales it’s mother’s duty to be predator. When it hunts for prey, the mother commands and lures the prey to the area where her young are positioned when the fish enter the position the, mother use her tail to hit the swarm to make them faint. This method of hunting has been taught from generation to generation. Whales are sensitive creatures in the documentary show when a family member dies, it’s mother stays with its cub for several weeks, showing love and whale’s relationship. Whales populations over decades have declined by 2.4 percentage of deaths were caused by fisherman’s nets. 

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