From Tul
To John
Hello! John
How are you? But today I’m very good.I will tell you all about what do I do in 1 day.In the morning I will go to brush my teeth and going to eat my favourite food. It is sandwiches and in 8.00a.m. I’m going to take a shower and in 8.30a.m. I will start to studying online. In lunch I will eat lunch food and play games with my friend in Discord.Do you want to join?12.10 I will start to studying again. In4.50 I will finish the part of the lesson and I will go to the exercise part of exercise.In the evening I will eat dinner and take a shower and watch the television.In the night I am going to clear my homework and brush my teeth.In 9.00p.m. I will going to get sleep. I want to meet you again.If you read my Email can you reply it. Thank you very much and bye.
Hope to see you someday.