Checked by PWR Task1

Why is Wai Kru Ceremony so important?

First off all, Wai Kru Ceremony is Thai culture that students need to pay respect to the teacher. We celebrate Wai Kru Ceremony on January 16th. In my opinion, Wai Kru Ceremony is there to courage the teaches to be happy with their job and not be discouraged because being a teacher is very hard since some students will be very naughty and will not behave so the teacher’s job will be even harder. Despite some students being very naughty and not behaving most students will behave and give the teachers a good time.  I think being a teacher is not easy since there is always somethings that can make a teacher very sad and bring him/her mood down and it will be even harder to teach so thats why we have Wai Kru Ceremony to always tell the teachers not to give up and be discouraged by all the bad things.

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