Checked by PWR Task1

Why Wai Kru is important?

Wai Kru ceremony is a long-standing Thai tradition. Originally, Wai Kru was associated with beliefs about worshiping gods. But now the focus is on showing respect and thanks to the person who teaches the knowledge to his students with dedicated and the sacrifice.  In addition, it is believed that people who respect teachers will result in successful education.

        Thailand has a National Teacher’s Day on January 16th of every year.  So as to be remember the importance of teachers and a holiday for teachers to rest.  Every school has a Wai Kru ceremony during the opening of each academic year.

         Although now Technology will progress, IT or teaching media are diverse.  But the knowledge that is passed on from the person that is a specific skill, technique, experience and practice until proficient that cannot be teach by text or any media.

         In my opinion, the teacher is an important person. They are teaches us with love, kindness and good wishes.  Therefore, I would like to pay my respects and thanks to all teachers.

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