Checked by PWR Task1

What would you do to teachers on World Teacher’s Day?

I believe that Wai Kru Day is an important day because we have to remember teachers.Wai Kru Day is the day of the year when Thai students show the most respect to their teachers by participating in a big school ceremony. At this time, they thank their teachers for the knowledge they have given them for the gift of learning and also wish them good luck in the future school year and in their future lives. Western kids could learn a lot from Thai kids and Thai culture when it comes to paying respect on Teachers Day.On Wai Kru Day in Thailand, students come to school with flowers and gifts for their teachers. Many of them are also dressed in traditional Thai costumers. At many Thai schools, especially the government schools where the children are much poorer than at private Thai schools the students make their own floral arrangements. They usually use traditional Thai flowers and plants, banana leaves and incense in the larger arrangements all of which have different meanings.

Navidhus Subsange
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