

This poster is about an Easter festival that is held at the school field. and there are some activity that you can do here. such as going around the school to find the painted eggs. and if you designed the best egg you will win the prizes at the event.


light sky

Burning the Clocks is a unique community event held on the 21st of December, created by Same Sky, that brings the whole city together to mark the shortest day of the year. Local people make their own paper and willow lanterns, using our kits, and after parading through the city, they pass them into a […]

Checked by PWR Task2

Songkran Festival

Group 2 (No.2, No.20, No.39, No.42) Songkran is a Thai traditional New Year which starts on 13th-15th April every year. Songkran festival is a day to show gratitude to ancestors. On this day, there will be a watering ceremony for blessings from respected parents and elders. Songkran Day is National Elderly Day. It is a […]